Friday, April 16, 2010

Things That Make Me Go Bald

Things and people that make me want to pull my hair out

1. Movies with no subplots
2. Books with open endings
3. People who don't seek out reading
4. Overly oblivious people
5. People who don't take the time to learn
6. Reading something and editing in my head because the stupid author doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're" or "there" "their" and "they're"
7. People who can't take the time to type the other two letters in the word "you"
8. People who explain their reasons for something by restating the something. "I like you cause... I like you."
9. People who don't explain their actions in detail
10. When people look at me funny for going into way too much detail while trying to explain myself or my personal viewpoints
11. When people get mad at me for NOT going into detail about things because I don't want them to look at me funny!
12. People who say that they're open and tolerant but are only "open" and "tolerant" to CERTAIN things
13. People who don't like a good argument
14. Sheets that don't fit the bed properly
15. Waking up sweaty
16. Being judged without proper grounds
17. Realizing I'm judging when I don't want to
18. Not being able to parent other peoples' children
19. WANTING to parent other peoples' children
20. Not having an idea for a list every day

Benny, I'll be seeing your list soon I hope! Love you!


1 comment:

Rick said...

Thats it....I HAVE to start making lists of things lol no more just in my head *nope shakes head* I'll letcha know when I start :D lol