Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Seven Worst: Things to say to someone who is breaking up.

I has internet, sooooo, blog time.
These are the seven worst things you could say to someone who is going through a break-up. I had to help a friend through one of these recently, so this was kinda easy.

1. "Well, sucks to be you I guess." - Pretty much the worst thing to say to anyone who is hurt. A verbal sucker punch to the gut.

2. "We all saw it coming." - And you did nothing to stop it from happening or warn me?

3. "Don't worry, we'll find you someone better." Saying this too early will hurt someone more than help. If you plan to say this, save it till after the aftermath is over.

4. "Now I can introduce you to (insert name)." - Again, too soon and you risk a lot.

5. (make them a playlist with songs including love and eternal in the lyrics) - Even with good intention, this is the same as saying "I don't care how much this will hurt you, playlist in your face"

6. "So that's where the cake went." - It's sad I know someone who would say this.

7. "You should be grateful you had him/her for the time you did." - Unless your hobbies consist of beating up children and stealing you would probably not use this line.

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